The Dr Seuss Bible
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One Day God Said
This is what I will do
I'll send you down my son
I'll send him to you
To clear up this humpity
bumpity hullaballoo

his name will be christ
and he'll never wear shoes
and his pals will all call
him king of the jews

he didnt come in a plane
he didnt come in a jeep
he didnt come in a pouch
of a high jumping vo veep

He rode on the back of a black sasatoo
whick is the blackest creature
you ever could view

He rode to jeruselem
home of the grumpity jews
where false prophets worshipped
some even in twos

There was Murry Von Mer
And Genghis Vo Voose
The one you could worship
By taking a snooze

christ spoke from a mound
which is a pile of ground
and people gathered around
without making a sound
and thus he spake

sin in socks
socks full of sin
How do we quiet
This Jehovadin din

do unto others as
They do unto you
That includes you
Young Timothy Foo

One Pharisee said to another he knew
"What shall we do with this uppity jew?"
We can wash him in wine
And make him all clean
and into Sammy Zittle's
Crucifiction Machine

Twirl the gawhril
and release the favlease
and in go the nails
as fast as you please

and it is said that he
said as he bled:

Forgive them father
for they know not what they do
for they walk through this life
In toe crampity shoes

Do You?

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